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reserved for those who feed those who cannot feed themselves. For now, you can feed people with free clicks
loving memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm, and his most ardent student, herein known as MisterShortcut
Thanks, honors, and praise to the rather holy Paul Newman, who sloooowllllly earned
hundreds of millions of dollars in his years... and used it all to feed people.
Welcome to the MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and MillionairesThe MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Millionaires is the result of more than three million cherished individual minutes of focus, compliments of Mr-Shortcut and Masters and Millionaires. These are the shortcuts to success of 5200 masters and millionaires, interviewed one at a time. Enjoy your free copy.
Mr-Shortcut believes in you, in your accelerated success, health, happiness, and wealth
Welcome to the MisterShortcut Approach of Masters and Millionaires, Champions and Billionaires
largest personal website you will soon see, by MisterShortcut
The most powerful, successful shortcuts used by masters, millionaires, and other role models for succeeding at accelerated speeds... all with shortcuts.
So many different kinds of shortcuts!
Empowering and fully superlative shortcuts,
Munificent and indubitably magnificent shortcuts,
guaranteed and quite incredible shortcuts,
fantastic and persistently powerful shortcuts
hypnotic and rather delicious shortcuts,
Insurable and Monefied shortcuts, if you catch my drift,
absolute and certainly engaging shortcuts,
enduring and for sure successful shortcuts,
so-potently helpful and fully utile shortcuts....
and so much more.
You see we can also find
enticing shortcuts and satisfying shortcuts,
energizing shortcuts and non-abrasive shortcuts,
sharing shortcuts and of course, caring shortcuts.
At the end of it all, shortcuts and time-cuts,
carry us over the wall.
These are the shortcuts of those who dare,
these are the shortcuts they use everywhere.
A thousand minutes per day, no travail,
means a thousand shortcuts we all might avail.
Excuses are fine for those who fail small,
but shortcuts are needed by who would stand tall. all a perception, of honest deception, looking for those who are good.
who raise the reins of shortcuts, and use them as they should.
Empowering Shortcuts
Empowering shortcuts on the vine,
demanding to be plucked with the passage of time.
Empowering shortcuts all around
look and take yourself to town.
Marry and carry each with joy,
remember they're more than complimentary toys.
Empowering shortcuts work best when used, and always work best when used by you.
Empowering shortcuts rushed by time, pluck them fresh from yonder vine. Empowering shortcuts to the end, all for you, this means to send.
YOUR empowering shortcuts.