Please remember that one hundred percent of the people who say you cannot do it...
are people who have never done it themselves.
There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this.
The MisterShortcut Approach is about and for people who say they can.
Acoustic Cardiograph
At Fourteen
All Quit Smoking Pages
Ayurveda 2
Brain tuner
Brain tuner II
Breath Of Life
Chelation 2
Health Index
Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine 2
Mineral Infrared Therapy
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathy II
Oil of Oregano
Magic Elixir
Oxygen Therapy
page 23
Mini Index Page
911day Tribute
Xenoestrogens1 The MisterShortcut Approach
A Catchy MisterShortcut Design | MisterShortcut Approach | Succeeding Faster with Shortcuts | New ArtForm
The largest body of work by a human being,
and the only one in human history with thousands of hand-crafted colors.
Millions of self-empowering, unique pages, hundreds of thousands of mirror pages.
Tens of thousands of digital art creations from one pair of prolific hands,
with endless agonizing over each hand-crafted color; many thousands of them.
The only body of art in history with thousands of uniquely-crafted colors.
Who Will Stand Alone?
To stand alone, to wait without
stillness stirred within,
hoping, groping, coping,
imagination's flight of fancy.
Interstitial errors weaving paradigms of wonder;
the quilt will shape up as it will
both blessed and yet-unfunded.
Who stands up to know the pattern,
reading out, weeding out,
recalling doubt, deceptive pout,
add up to helpmate versus slattern.
Gather it with sun-drenched laughter,
hours are like seconds after.
You think you see it living, and you're sure you know the score,
yet your yesterdays burn far beyond the place where yet there's more.
Calling in the markers, boys, there's plenty yet to see,
empty out your pockets once you've sold your dignity.
All who thought they knew the deal,
demonstrate all that's false and real.
So as we take our turn this day,
as the flavored light shines down your way,
remember whence you spun your Wheel.
And, know it still within, even when it's just a pittance,
pining for the ample air of freedom,
sample each with knowledge, for life is more your college,
shining for the trampled dare of leaving.
To stand alone to wait without, the comfort and the knowledge,
knowing what it was all about, trembling in the absence of doubt,
here you fell, let no one tell, pay the bill, stay out of hell.
Heaven's where you find it, in the same place that you looked,
it's the rhythmic education not yet found within our books.
You really have no more excuses for not embracing the MisterShortcut Approach.
If you develop YOUR OWN perception of the MisterShortcut Approach, good!
The idea is to snap out of the circle of mediocrity you are mired in.
Look on the internet and you can find thousands of real experts.
Sure, you find some flim-flam artists and other phonies. Good!
It's good because it reminds you to get it from many sources.
Whatever great information you need, many are providing it.
Please stop making excuses. Today is the day to get busy.
Let the MisterShortcut Approach guide you along the way.
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