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Bodyscan is a what?

Bioenergetic Testing utilizes a computer-based instrument which measures the energy of the body using acupressure point readings, providing a new and highly accurate method for
determining the energetic causes of allergives and ailments.

Bioenergetic Testing is the end product of a 40-year evolution in Biological-Energetic/Biofeedback testing. Dr. Voll and Dr. Werner of Germany developed this new approach to good health utilizing a modern computer and a sophisticated program. Relatively new in this country, it is felt by many people to be the most significant breakthrough in health in many years. The technique is understood, accepted, and used widely in other countries, especially Germany, France, England and Canada.

It is based on the Chinese Medical theory that improper energy flow through the acupressure meridians causes energy imbalances in the body. During the past 40 years, doctors have identified the interrelationship between acupressure point measurement and individual organs and tissues. Bioenergetic testing is also very similar to Biofeedback. it has been endorsed by many doctors and dentists in the U.S., including Roy Curtain, Ph.D. of Brigham Young University, Fuller Royal, M.D., Nevada, and John Sinclair, D.D.S., Harrison, Arkansas.

What Can It Do?

  •  Taking a look at chemical, pesticides,herbicides, and other toxic materials in your system(including any problem with dental materials such as mercury).
  •  Determine the energetic level of each and every organ in the body and how well it is functioning.
  • Indicate allergives and foods that are best suited to your specific biochemical make-up (what should be added to or eliminated from your diet).
  • Identify environmental allergives to heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, and other types of allergives to yeast, fungus and molds.
  • Indicate any vitamin or mineral imbalances.

In fact, the system is capable of performing over 6,000 individual tests on your body. perhaps more importantly, the machine will automatically indicate what remedies you may need to help you and your doctor correct various problems and deficiencies.

How Does It Work?

The computer measures the degree of electrical resistance of the acupressure points, generally the hands and feet. These measurements indicate the balances or imbalances of the various organ systems of the body and can detect low-level reactions in the body. It also indicates which nutritional or homeopathic remedy and the exact potency that will bring about an energy balance. Bioenergetic testing can also monitor the patients progress. There are no side or after-effects with proper use of the eletro-diagnosis and therapy. No piercing of the skin, no discomfort and no electrical impulses are felt during the testing. The only clothing that must be removed are your shoes an stockings. F.D.A. approved, the testing is safe and gentle.

Who Can Use This Service?

Anyone wanting to improve the quality of their health and life, or for more specific uses such as to enhance sports performance. Tennis pro, Martina Navrotilova, has used a less advanced, earlier version of this approach as part of her overall health program under the direction of Dr. Whitcomb, M.D., in Colorado.

What Are The Benefits?

Bioenegetic Testing show any type of energy imbalance in your body and tests for vitamin-mineral deficiencies as well. It will indicate remedies for correction of all energy imbalances.  It takes the guesswork out of what your body needs and can tell you and your doctor more about the current state of your body's health. 

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