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Self-Empowerment Does Have A Magic Word

As you can see, self-empowerment has two component words, right?
Self. How magical can you get? The more you help yourself, the more you can help others.
Why a majority of humans choose to use self-empowerment to empower ONLY themselves, who knows?
The Path of One Shortcut is not about wasting time asking "why" questions that do not empower.
"Self" is a very powerful word. You are promised extra profits and benefits when you share.
"Empowerment" is one of the most wonderful words existing in any language. Simple, potent.
The benefits of magic are enjoyed only by those who use their secrets near-relentlessly.
When you find powerful words, be smart enough to recognize that they contain energy.

The words themselves contain energy. This energy is utterly and thoroughly transferable.
How dare you form an opinion on ANYTHING you have no great personal experience in?

If you want to be smarter, you must turn off your "I know, I know" mechanism.
This one tiny action is a magnificently powerful master secret of the universe.
Those who do something the best are entitled and obligated to teach the rest of us.
Powerful words do in fact contain energy, so much energy that they physically affect you.
When someone you like says something nasty, it hurts; or something nice, it feels terrific.
Therefore, if you haven't already figured out where this master secret of the universe leads you,
your job is to select ten, twenty, even a hundred or more of the words that make you the very happiest.

The more time and energy you invest into using your own best words, the more profit they pour out for you.
This is one of the uppermost master secrets of the universe, because it works for each one of us.
As well, it qualifies as a PowerGem because it works nearly every time for nearly every person!
Whew! How can that not take your breath away? This sixty-second period of your life is eternal.
If you have half the intelligence we both believe you have, you'll never forget this minute.
You are promised that this one master secret of the universe will electrify your life.
Excellence in so many separate fields are a direct result of using this secret.
Find and write down, in the next minute or two, the first of your many words.
Those words that touch you best in the deepest of your sanctum sanctorums.

Self-empowerment means, "If it's to be, it's up to me." How complicated does a secret need to be?
This is a self-empowerment truth that you do not want to ignore, not now, not ever in your life.

By the way, you can use " sancta sanctorum " interchangably with " sanctum sanctorms. "
In this case, " sancta sanctorum " was used simply to conform a bit better with ShapeTalk standards. Smiles From MisterShortcut To You

Change takes as long or as little as the time it takes to make better decisions.
Developing more of your excellence is primarily a matter of those better decisions.
The MisterShortcut Approach relies upon tiny changes that constitute better decisions.
Breathing more, and more deeply.   Drinking lemon juice every morning and night.
These two secrets of Longevity are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to you.
If you knew better, wouldn't you do better? Embrace the MisterShortcut Approach.
The payoffs are many, and manifold. Take it from those living stronger longer.
Push all of the air out of your lungs in this minute and monent, even now!
When you think your lungs are empty, you are very and toxically in error.
Keep pushing, you still have quarts - yes, quarts to go to true empty.
Now, slowly fill your lungs back up with air in a relaxed manner.
The MisterShortcut Approach promises you manifold benefits.
Not least of the MANY and manifold benefits is cerebral.
There is no doubt that you will produce better answers.
The underlying reasons are less important than usage.
Thus, the MisterShortcut Approach invites YOU in,
to the zone of excellence enjoyed by rara aves.