Get Busier With Your Life Through PowerLinks - They Take You To PowerGems

Shortcuts are a part of every life, from birth until we become or get a wife.
Shortcuts exist wherever you look, enough to fill the world's largest book.
Shortcuts are the shelf upon which we perch
when success and wealth is what we search.
Look all around you, shortcuts abound,
shortcuts are what make the world go round.

Shortcuts for this and shortcuts for that,
go ahead and pull shortcuts from under your hat.
Since you're going this way, on the MisterShortcut Approach,
the use of shortcuts invokes no sinning.
It's vital to keep your shortcuts alive,
using them more and better each time.
Shortcuts for you and shortcuts for me,
the board is level, observed by history.

Those who have little at the beginning of the game,
rise up with shortcuts, with no badge of shame.
Shortcuts are useful when used with honor,
embraced with truth, emblazoned in honor
shortcuts accelerate managers and jobbers.
Housewives and guitarists, builders and peons,
they've all used shortcuts throughout Man's aeons.

Shortcuts for this and shortcuts for that,
it's all about shortcuts, and that's a fact.
The MisterShortcut Approach cares for you,
at the EyeCandy Shortcuts Capital of it all,
the place where you take your brain for a whirl.
You see YOU are the center of all these shortcuts,
YOU are the reason we care,
so grab all the shortcuts you can find and use them,
because shortcuts are meant to be shared.

No matter what you do, no matter what you say, whatever road you take,
shortcuts will get you there faster and faster, so a good life is what you shall most likely make.

Shortcuts are a part of every life, from birth until we become or get a wife.
Shortcuts exist wherever you look, enough to fill the world's largest book.
Shortcuts are the shelf upon which we perch
when success and wealth is what we search.
Look all around you, shortcuts abound,
shortcuts are what make the world go round.

Shortcuts for this and shortcuts for that,
go ahead and pull shortcuts from under your hat.
Since you're going this way, on the MisterShortcut Approach,
the use of shortcuts invokes no sinning.
It's vital to keep your shortcuts alive,
using them more and better each time.
Shortcuts for you and shortcuts for me,
the board is level, observed by history.

Those who have little at the beginning of the game,
rise up with shortcuts, with no badge of shame.
Shortcuts are useful when used with honor,
embraced with truth, emblazoned in honor
shortcuts accelerate managers and jobbers.
Housewives and guitarists, builders and peons,
they've all used shortcuts throughout Man's aeons.

Shortcuts for this and shortcuts for that,
it's all about shortcuts, and that's a fact.
The MisterShortcut Approach cares for you,
at the EyeCandy Shortcuts Capital of it all,
the place where you take your brain for a whirl.
You see YOU are the center of all these shortcuts,
YOU are the reason we care,
so grab all the shortcuts you can find and use them,
because shortcuts are meant to be shared.

No matter what you do, no matter what you say, whatever road you take,
shortcuts will get you there faster and faster, so a good life is what you shall most likely make.

At the bottom of all our pages, there is the MisterShortcut Approach.
At the end of every life, there is the MisterShortcut Approach.
Whether we use them or not is a daily choice - repeated.
Whatever your best decisions, repeat them mightily.
They are the story of your life, a bit at a time.
Great daily decisions, countlessl repeated.
This is one great secret of success.<

BE the MisterShortcut Approach.
LIVE the MisterShortcut Approach.
Drink fresh water every time you wake up,
mixing in at least some drops of lemon, lime, or orange.
This cleanses the liver and dissolves some of the fat you've got.
Live longer and stronger sticking to the simple, proven MisterShortcut Approach.

Many thanks from the MisterShortcut Approach for the utile generosity of the "giver" of Mihov Index Maker

Stop wasting time majoring in minors. Let's start using shortcuts immediately.
For example, each day of your life has a certain number of fully wasted minutes,
minutes you can reclaim immediately for far more useful investment on your behalf.
Every time you get into a conversation with someone, take note of what you speak about.
When you find yourself outside of the zone that's most useful to you, shorten your chat.
Wise people discuss ideas, average people discuss events, mediocre people discuss other people.

That's a fantastic place to start, because talking about other people has little profit.
That doesn't mean you eliminate every minute of just unwinding with a bit of gab.
What it does mean is a reduction of minutes that are perfectly wasteful.
While "perfect" is a nice word, "wasteful" is not quite so.
Most of your minutes are yours to do with as you wish.
By trimming wasteful minutes just a few at a time,
you instantly reap more minutes to wisely use.
Let's make this change effective right now.
Every conversation, keep this in focus.
Every conversation, trim a minute.
This alone returns, over time,
many thousands of minutes.
Think you could use them?

911day Photos - Tribute To Friends

Health Index - Healthiest Secrets of Life

Wealth Index For the MisterShortcut Approach

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