Each Day, In Every Way, I'm Getting Better, Better, and Better.   Now, YOU say it!

"Each day, in every way, I'm getting better, better, and better."
This sentence is among the most powerful you will ever encounter.
Hundreds of benefits from stating a single sentence out loud.
If you knew better, you would do better. Until then, shhh.
These are the secrets and shortcuts of great masters.

Empowering Shortcuts

Empowering shortcuts on the vine,
demanding to be plucked with the passage of time.

Empowering shortcuts all around
look and take yourself to town.
Marry and carry each with joy,
remember they're more than complimentary toys.
Empowering shortcuts are meant to be used,
and always work best when used by you.
Empowering shortcuts rushed by time,
pluck them fresh from yonder vine.
Empowering shortcuts to the end,
all for you, this means to send.
YOUR empowering shortcuts.

Shortcuts are a part of every life, from birth until we become or get a wife.
Shortcuts exist wherever you look, enough to fill the world's largest book.
Shortcuts are the shelf upon which we perch
when success and wealth is what we search.
Look all around you, shortcuts abound,
shortcuts are what make the world go round.

Shortcuts for this and shortcuts for that,
go ahead and pull shortcuts from under your hat.
Since you're going this way, on the MisterShortcut Approach,
the use of shortcuts invokes no sinning.
It's vital to keep your shortcuts alive,
using them more and better each time.
Shortcuts for you and shortcuts for me,
the board is level, observed by history.

Those who have little at the beginning of the game,
rise up with shortcuts, with no badge of shame.
Shortcuts are useful when used with honor,
embraced with truth, emblazoned in honor
shortcuts accelerate managers and jobbers.
Housewives and guitarists, builders and peons,
they've all used shortcuts throughout Man's aeons.

Shortcuts for this and shortcuts for that,
it's all about shortcuts, and that's a fact.
The MisterShortcut Approach cares for you,
at the EyeCandy Shortcuts Capital of it all,
the place where you take your brain for a whirl.
You see YOU are the center of all these shortcuts,
YOU are the reason we care,
so grab all the shortcuts you can find and use them,
because shortcuts are meant to be shared.

No matter what you do, no matter what you say, whatever road you take,
shortcuts will get you there faster and faster, so a good life is what you shall most likely make.

Index created with help from Mihov Index Maker,
the gift of a generous genius. HIGHLY recommended to you.

Stop Telling Us!   We can see by what you DO!
If I had a nickel for every braggart's claim...

Let's speak just a bit less, and do more, hm?
Look at all the petty conversations you have!

Turning just half, that's all, just half of these mindless wastes of time into something better,
something you love to do that will bring you some kind of personal or professional payoff,
will in and of itself provide you with many tens of thousands of reclaimed life minutes.
Whether it's fulfillment or health or financial wealth you're looking for, wake up now.
With so many millions and more millions of millionaires, they can't all be geniuses.
Please do not think to suggest that all those millionaires are smarter than you.
Some, perhaps many of them, sure, it's possible. Not all of them, however.
So, if people not as bright as you as earning so much more, why?
They simply use a bit more of what both of you can access.
They do not need to do twice as much as you're doing,
nor even half again as much as you're investing.
They need just one more 'yes' in twelve tries.
This applies to pro ballplayers and racing,
and all other known human activities.
It certainly applies to money.
Speak less, and do more.
It pays you first.

It is today's date, , that is so critical to your success

It's the only one you'll ever get in your life, never to be repeated, although you may have another 20 or 30 's left before your bones are creaking a bit.
Even with similar opportunities, such as those presented on May 16th's in your life, and Oct 4th's and so on, maybe you've got a full three dozen good 's left in you. But, you only get one of today's precise date and year,
and it is to your distinct and direct benefit to employ the truth found in the fact that is a perfectly unique set of 1,440 minutes,
also known as opportunities.

Basically, this is where we all shut up, and the losers are separated by the winners, because at this point,
the losers are still flapping their gums, and the winners are too busy pursuing their dreams with action today; the unique today.

That's why you're being presented the greatest shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires.
Use your greatest shortcuts to success, or lose them.     As with most all of the roads of your life, this is your choice.
Your choice to treat today as you did yesterday, assuring the same or similar result,
or making the decision that is going to contain special moments that go beyond the ordinary effort.