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Golden Losers and Golden Winners - - those who do it better
Golden Losers and Golden Winners - more often than not they are one and the same!

The MisterShortcut Approach is a never-ending pursuit of the best shortcuts,
specifically those shortcuts deemed best by those who prove and know best,
the masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires who do it best,
the role models who live the MisterShortcut Approach on their terms.
Golden winners and golden losers are mirror images of each of us.
Bring out the golden winner inside of you, taking bigger steps,
with the MisterShortcut Approach of masters and champions.
Begin by trimming just a few of your wasted daily minutes.

3,100,000+ superlative minutes of one human being, aiming to create the most gorgeous website of all time.
Welcome to the MisterShortcut Approach of Masters, Millionaires, Champions, and Billionaires.

What's extra magnificent about the MisterShortcut Approach is that you can jump in anywhere, anytime.
Have fun interacting with thousands of variations of thousands of effects!   Whew!
Then, learn more so you can live more, and then you get to give more. Fair enough?